Career & Wellness Coaching

Career & Wellness Coaching
for Cross-cultural Professionals
Authenticity Coaching
Integrate performance with wellbeing and inner truth;
for high-potential professionals and expatriates
Many challenges in life, work and relationships come from not living with our true self. Life is holistic. If you ignore your wellbeing or inner truth, chances are you are ignoring other parts of your life, which may lead to lack of joy and aliveness.
When in authenticity, you feel good about your body; you feel good about your path; you feel good in your own skin. You are a whole being.
I am your travel partner on this journey of alchemy.

Scenarios for Coaching
A little Support Can Go A Long Way
01 Wellbeing
- Improve physical presence
- Manage Stress with busy schedule
- Insert and keep up with self-care
03 Inner Truth
- Live your 'ideal life'
- Transform patterns that do not serve you
- Find and utilize unique talents
02 Career
- Sharpen leadership skills and styles
- Identify and make the next career move
- Do what you love and love what you do
04 Cross Cultural
- Adapt to work and life in foreign culture
- Thrive in foreign work environment
- Maintain wellbeing during transition

How I Can Support You
I am your thinking and accountability partner.
As former strategy executive, certified coach and seasoned dancer, I
connect the dots and reflect hidden patterns to you.
combine structure with intuition, and follow your lead on the content.
gently challenge you with discrepencies and watch out for blind spots.
All these with 20+ years of work experiences in 3 continents as well as wisdom out of personal transformation and alchemy.

"No matter how developed you are in any other area of your life, no matter what you say you believe, no matter how sopisticated or enlightened you think you are, how you eat tells all."
Geneen Roth